
If you are not able to join us in church, you can watch our service on Facebook Live



Sunday 10:00 am 

All are welcome

Children are always welcome to join their parents in worship on Sunday mornings. Sunday school and nursery care is also available.

Family Worship is held approximately one Sunday a month when Sunday school is not in session. Children attending Family Worship are encouraged to interpret the scripture by creating a piece of art as they listen to the sermon. Samples of their creations frequently adorn the walls of our Sanctuary.

Special Services

Christmas Eve

Join us as we celebrate the birth of our Savior on Christmas Eve.

Ash Wednesday

Join us as we journey together through song, prayer, reflection, and the imposition of ashes.

Holy Week and Easter Sunday


In celebration of God's gift of the Holy Spirit, our sanctuary is adorned in the fiery colors of Pentecost as we explore the ways the Holy Spirit is working in our lives.

Worship in the Park

This unique Sunday service is held the beginning of June at Califon Island Park and is followed by our annual Church picnic. Join us for this fun and memorable service. You may even be lucky enough to witness a baptism in the river!