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Pastor Chad

About Pastor Chad


My four month sabbatical has ended and I have returned to LVPC renewed and refreshed.

For a brief explanation of my experiences and adventures, check out my blog site, which is now devoted entirely to our sabbatical time.

Biographical Notes

I grew up in Northern California about an hour north of the San Francisco Bay Area in the heart of wine country. I spent many summers working at Westminster Woods Summer Camp in many capacities and I previously served as an Associate Pastor in Monterey, CA before crossing the country in 2008.


Married to my best friend, Kim, on January 3, 1998. I can’t imagine a better person to share this journey with. We’ve got three great kids and we’re doing our best to raise them to do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with God. And of course to be rabid fans of the San Francisco Giants - we may not have parenting figured out, but we got this last part right.